Winter Season End Party

To members of TCS48, thank you for your hard work. Your contribution during the spring break, picking up shifts, was greatly appreciated. Your valuable support was indispensable. Thank you very much.

It seems like you had quite a bit to drink and had a lot of fun. You're always the life of the party, leading the team with your cheerful attitude.

The members of Hakodate48 work six days a week and are the aces of TCS. Here's hoping they'll be registered as members again next year!

You were happily munching away on the meat, with a satisfied smile on your face. Despite ordering quite a bit more than the number of people present today, you managed to finish everything.

You eat so quickly! I was sure there would be leftovers, but we ended up placing additional orders. It was great to see you having such a good time.

This is the youngest team in our group, isn't it? I wanted to join in too, but the age limit prevented me. For high schoolers, this meat must be top-notch.

Of course, TWN48 is also participating. Here, it seems like alcohol is the main focus rather than meat. The pace at which they finish their drinks is faster than me finishing my oolong tea; the alcohol disappeared in no time.

You all enjoyed both the meat and the drinks in good spirits. It was so much fun, and it got everyone here excited too.

We also have a photo of the meat, just in case. It still looks delicious even now!

It's our regular spot. Thank you for letting us use it year after year. We'll be holding another gathering this year, so please look forward to it and thank you again.

This winter, we've had over 100 staff members in total. I'm sure the season will continue to see over 100 people, so everyone, please continue your support next year as well. Thank you.

You probably took the top spot for alcohol consumption. I'm a bit worried if you'll be able to handle work the next day... But it seems like you had a great time, so I think the fatigue relief gathering was a big success. Well done!

Well, winter is finally coming to an end, huh? It was so busy!! This winter has been busier than before the Covid, and I believe it was the most challenging period we've faced so far. Despite the high occupancy, we were able to overcome it thanks to everyone's hard work. Appreciate it very much. With the mild winter and less snow, it was definitely easier to work.

I hope we can leverage this valuable experience in the coming years, so I'd like to ask for your cooperation again next time. Looking back, it was really enjoyable, wasn't it? It's sad to say goodbye, but I hope we'll meet again next season!


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